Directions to Campus

Addresses for GPS
Seton Hill University (main campus)
1 Seton Hill Drive
Greensburg, Pa. 15601
Seton Hill University Performing Arts Center (including Box Office)
100 Harrison Avenue
Greensburg, Pa. 15601
Seton Hill Arts Center
205 West Otterman Street
Greensburg, Pa. 15601
From the East, Taking Route 30 West:
Pass Westmoreland Mall and exit Route 30 by staying in the right lane towards the Greensburg Business District. This becomes W. Otterman Street. Continue on W. Otterman past the Palace Theatre and Seton Hill Performing Arts Center and turn right on College Avenue (the Seton Hill Arts Center is on the far corner). Continue on College Avenue through the tunnel. Seton Hill University’s main entrance is immediately after the tunnel on the left.
From the West, Taking Route 30 East:
Follow Route 30 East to the Pittsburgh Street Exit. Follow East Pittsburgh Street to Bell Way and turn left. Bell Way becomes College Avenue at the following intersection. Continue on College Avenue through the tunnel. Seton Hill University’s main entrance is immediately after the tunnel on the left.
From Pittsburgh:
Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Route 76) east to Exit 67 (US 30, Irwin). Then follow directions from the West (above).
From the Northeast:
Follow Route 22 West to Route 66 South (toll road). Take Exit 6 (Greensburg/Irwin, Route 30). Turn left onto Route 30 East. Then follow directions from the West (above).
From the South:
Follow Route 119 North to New Stanton. Continue on Route 119 North through Youngwood and downtown Greensburg. This becomes Main Street. Turn left on W. Otterman Street (Greensburg Courthouse will be on your left). Continue on W. Otterman past the Palace Theatre and Seton Hill Performing Arts Center and turn right on College Avenue (the Seton Hill Arts Center is on the far corner). Continue on College Avenue through the tunnel. Seton Hill University’s main entrance is immediately after the tunnel on the left.