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Seton Hill Receives Grant to Assist Parents in Achieving College Education

Seton Hill University is one of 12 institutions selected to receive Parent Pathways grant funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Seton Hill will use its $150,000 grant to create the Setonian Parent Success Program, with $125,000 of the funds going towards scholarships for parenting students. Scholarships of around $5,000 will be available to approximately 25 Pennsylvania parents in addition to their existing federal, state and institutional aid, providing additional financial security as they work to attain a degree.

A small portion of the grant will also be set aside as an emergency fund to ensure students are able to gain and maintain access to their online classes.

“The funds provided by this grant will allow Seton Hill to take a more proactive approach to reaching its parent student community and providing information and resources upfront as they begin their educational journey at the university,” said Seton Hill President Mary C. Finger. “Through the use of scholarship support, emergency aid, and wraparound services, Seton Hill plans to increase the number of parenting students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree, which increases lifetime earnings and allows parent graduates to better care for their families.”

For more than 30 years, Seton Hill has offered a comprehensive Adult Degree Program focused on helping non-traditional students. The Adult Degree Program, now known as the Online Bachelor’s and Certificate (OBC) Program, offers flexible instruction for students who have families and jobs. 

Seton Hill offers 10 undergraduate degrees online, making them easily accessible to working adults. Most of these degrees are in high in-demand fields in Pennsylvania. Some degrees can be earned in one year. Courses are offered in eight-week sessions with six sessions available per year. Students can attend full- or part-time.

Nearly 50% of the students in Seton Hill’s online degree program are parents. Some are entering college for the first time, but the majority had started their education but never completed it. Scholarship support through the grant program will alleviate financial concerns and allow these students to complete their education at Seton Hill.

For more information about the Setonian Parent Success Program, visit or contact the Office of Graduate and Online Studies at (724) 838-4208 or