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Seton Hill Wukich Center Holds Elevator Pitch Competition

Nearly 70 Students Offered Their Best 90-Second Business Pitch

The Seton Hill University Wukich Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities hosted its annual Elevator Pitch Competition on February 23, offering some 70 students from all areas of study the opportunity to pitch their best idea for a business or social entrepreneurial effort in front of a panel of judges. 

Each participant had 90-seconds - about the length of an elevator ride - to present their idea. Prizes were given to the Top Ten participants as well as the Best Freshman and the Best Social Entrepreneurship idea. The top cash prize was $1,000. 

Ideas ranged from smartphone applications that would help a shopper find items in a grocery store to a battery that can collect the energy produced when a door is opened and closed to a "food bank" where Seton Hill students can donate their leftover meal plan credits to their classmates. 

The winner, freshman Kristen Piciacchia, presented an idea for a piece of carry-on luggage with an attached car seat allowing parents to easily navigate through crowded airports with their little ones in tow. 

Daniel Wukich speaks with student Fitzgerald Robertson during a break in the Elevator Pitch Competition.Among those in attendance at the event was Seton Hill Trustee Daniel J. Wukich, who provided the leadership gift to start the Wukich Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities. The Wukich Center coordinates, supports and enhances all entrepreneurial activities on campus and aims to help students understand entrepreneurship as a mindset and not a one-time event.